"Horobre Serdce"

Russian Black Terriers - You are Welcome

Our Dogs!!!
RADOMIR at the show in Donetsk :)

Puppies for sale

::: Aida:::

::: Maryana:::

::: Radomir:::

Our Children

Our males :)

Our females :)

More pages added
::: About BRT :::
- in this folder you can find materials about the history of BRT, standard FCI of BRT, how to cut/trimm BRT - advices of famous Olga Vorobyova


You can call me
or just write radomir@inbox.ru
and I'll see your message
Ann Baranova

our Horobre Serdce Danila Makarych "Krakow-CACIB-2003"
our RADOMIR at "Ukraine-CACIB-Junior-Derbi-2003"
Puppies for sale !!

KONTENAR - Russian Black Terriers in Ukraine

DogParad- Go & see


GUEST BOOK ::: Pups for salepuppies for sale :::


Great news!!!
There were born puppies from our best dogs! First in Ukraine - really working pair!

Radomir s Almaznogo Ostrova - IPO-1, 4*CACIB, R.CACIB, 8*CAC, 2*R.CAC

x Deva Danaya Horobre Serdce - IPO-1, CACIB, 7*CAC, 4*R.CAC

Radomir in Katowice, 15 months
Horobre Serdce Deva Danaya
Puppy in his Birthday

One more victory in our active! Our young Dana won females in Ternopol (CAC, BOS) & CAC in working class in Lwow, comparing with champions of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belarus! We heartly congratulate our young girl the more she was just after returning from Bulgaria!

I have many news :)
Radomir & Danaya received CACIB at Varna-Bulgaria, Dobrynya Makarych Horobre Serdce - CAC, R.CACIB!

Dana won Vinnitsa & Hmelnitskiy! 2 more CAC in her active! We congratulate her & her owners!

05.07 - We have nice news! On the last week our children of Aida & Makar : Horobre Serdce Diva & Horobre Serdce Danila Makarych have passed their first exam at the working facility - at the national working certificate "Dog in city-2". We congratulate them with their results 94 & 85 marks accordingly & wish to pass IPO-1 in the future with the same good results (or better :) !
Great news! We with Radomir & Danaya passed IPO-1 exam!!! So we have now 2 dogs in our kennel with IPO-1 int. working certificate!! & create - first in Ukraine (!!!)- even 2 pairs of really working dogs!!! Radomir with Deva Danaya Horobre Serdce & Radomir with my own Aida Black Rider Kri!!!
29 June - "Sumy-CAC-2003" - Basa-Zoryana Horobre Serdce - best baby of breed, Dobrynya Makarych Horobre Serdce - best male - CAC,
Rulada s Almaznogo Ostrova (Radomir's sister- R.CAC
28 June - "Poltava-CAC-2003" - Dobrynya Makarych Horobre Serdce - Best male of breed, CAC
28 June - "Poltava-CAC-2003" - Basa-Zoryana Horobre Serdce - best baby of breed, BIS puppy!!!
We heartly congretulate our little baby with this victory :)
28 June - "Krakow-CACIB-2003" - Deva Danaya Horobre Serdce - 2-nd place in interm.class, silver medal, Radomir s Almaznogo Ostrova - 3-d place in interm. class, bronze medal, Danila Makarych Horobre Serdce - 4-th place in the same class.
23 June - Deva Danaya Horobre Serdce won 2-nd place, R.CAC in intermedium class at "Odessa-CACIB-2003", on the National Championship in Odessa Dobrynya Makarych Horobre Serdce won there 3-d place in the open class among 13 males! We heartly congratulate them!
21 June - we with Radomir went to Bulgaria to deliver Faramir Horobre Serdce to his owners & attend a CACIB-dogshow.
& Radomir won CAC, CACIB in Ruse, Bulgaria in intermedium class, & then - BOS, BOB, BOG, BIS!!!
15 June - Radomir won CAC in Baranovichi, Belarus in intermedium class, & then - BOS, BOB, BOG-3!!! ***
04 June - new page was added - you may see our G-childrens too now :) If you somehow have others photos - please, feel free to send me :) I will place them here with pleassure! ***
03 June -On the 16/04/03 puppies from our Dobrynya Makarych Horobre Serdce & Massandra Horobre Serdce were born!
See their photos in their 44 days :) There is an excelent male for sale! Hurry up!
25 May - Our congratulations to "papa" Vsevolod his owners with great Victory at the most famous & meaning National Championatship "Dmitroff-2003"! We are very proud of him!

12 May - one more victory in Rovno!
Last year our lovely Aida won CAC in working class there, & young Maryana - open class, CAC, BOB, BIG, BIS!!!
& now our kids follow this way! Little Basa-Zoryana Horobre serdce (from WW Vsevolod & Maryana) became the best baby of breed! & Aida's daughter Deva Danaya Horobre Serdce (from the famous Makar is Rus Moskovia) won working class - CAC !!! Her brother Dobrynya Makarych Horobre Serdce won CAC, & then became the best male of breed! (there are puppies from him & Maryana's sister)

11 May - We congratulate our young Deva Danaya Horobre serdce with victory in Belarus, Gomel - she won working class (CAC), & became the best female of the breed!

11 May - We congratulate our Radomir with great win!!! In the end of February we visited Poland, "Katowice-CACIB-2003", where were exposed in Junior class. & GREAT RESULTS! - Best Junior of breed, Young winner of Poland,Best Junior of 2-nd group & Best Junior of the day! We promis to have even bigger results in the future!
our Danila Makarych was exposed in intermedium class & obtained R.CAC! We congratulate him!

19 Aprel - We exposed our Radomir at "Kiev-Ukraine-CACIB-2003" & won R.CAC among 11 competitors in intermedium class, though he was the youngest among all!! That's our first sertificate - first exposition not in junior class!

20 Aprel - Our children were exposed at "Ukraine-CACIB-2003", & we have such results:
Danila Makarych Horobre serdce - R.CAC, intermedium class (11 males), Dobrynya Makarych Horobre serdce - "excelent", interm.class, Deva Danaya Horobre Serdce - "excelent", interm.class (10 females), Diva Horobre Serdce - "excelent", intermed.class, Feodosia Horobre - "excelent", open class (7 females)
We congratulate them!

Our young Deva Danaya Horobre Serdce has passed her exam in "working dog" & became the 2-nd in competitions! We congratulate her with her first victory on the working way!

07.03.03 Page of our children was added - see here

13.01.03 PUPPIES WERE BORN!!!- on the 12/01/03 - from WW Vsevolod s Zolotogo Grada & Maryana-Krasa Horobre Serdce; on the 13.01/03 - from Multich. Belovezhskiy Zubr & Aida Black Rider Kri (10*CAC, IPO-1)

February - We congratulate Del Vandiver, Anna Carson & Tanya Spance from USA with choosing our puppies for themselves! You may see their pups here or here

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Ann Baranova
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