Aida Black Rider Kri

sire Zhoffrey de Kris (Ch.UA)
dam Zhessi Unkri (the doughter of the famous USSR Ch., NCB Ch., "Elite" Krimson Glo)

Personnal achivements
CHAMPION OF UKRAINE working certification IPO-1 (obedience, tracing work, protecting), 10* (Candidad in National Champion), in working klass "National Championat in Odessa-2002"

Puppies were born on the 13 of January 2003
from Belovezhsky Zubr - Interchempion, NC Champion, Ch. of 6 contries (Rus, Fin, Est, Lat, Lit, Bel, Baltic), has working diplomas Working diplomas CTC-I (OKD- 1, common training course), GSS-I (ZKS-1, guard-sentry service); Working klass Winner "Dmitroff-2002", Best working dog "Dmitroff-2002", prizer & winner of working competitions

:::first page::: history::: standard::: trimming:::
:::Maryana::: Radomir::: PUPPIES::: Mail me:::

Her children
sire DFluk Gelios (2*Best Junior of Breed, BIS-Jun.)-
1/Hrabroye Serdce Faveta (R.CAC.UA,Ch.Arg.)
2/Feodosiya Hrabroye Serdce 3/ Feodor Hrabroye Serdce

sire Dunkan Maclout Show Shwarts(Ch.UA,2*CACIB)-
1/Horobre Serdce Maryana-Krasa (3*Best puppy, 3*Best Junior, 2*, R.CAC, BOB, BOG, BIS, many times prizer & winner of BIS Puppies & Juniors) Waiting for puppies from WW-2002 Vsevoloda s Zolotogo Grada
2/Horobre Serdce Melissa (USA, Chicago), 3/Marfa Hrabroye Serdce (UA, Nikopol), 4/Marusya Hrabroye Serdce (UA, Kiev), 5/Massandra Hrabroe Serdce (UA, Malin), 6/Mashenka Hrabroye Serdce 7/Malanya Hrabroe Serdce (UA, Kiev)

sire Makar is Rus Moskovii (Ch.Ru, National & International Club Champion, the son of WW Bart Barbi s Bronnich)-
1/Horobre Serdce Danila Makarych (Many times prizer & winner of breed, Best puppy-male "Ukraine-2002", owner Timofeeva L.B., UA, Lwow)
2/Horobre Serdce Dariy Yang Makarov Syn (Many times prizer, owner Shuster M., UA, Nikolaev)
3/Horobre Serdce Dobrynya Makarych (2*Best Junior, Winner Junior klass, excelent Christal Cup of Ukraine-2002, owner Malyshev S.N., UA, Malin)
4/Horobre Serdce Deva Danaya (Best baby of breed "Christal Cup of Ukraine-2001", Best puppy "UA,Rovno-2002", owner Pereguda E.G., S Almaznogo Ostrova kennel )
5/Diva Hrabroye Serdce (owner Belyaeva O., UA, Shepetovka) 6/Dubravushka Hrabroye Serdce (owner Didkovsky N.P., UA, Malin) 7/Daryana (Argentina) 8/Dominikiya Hrabroye Serdce (UA, Kiev)

sire Belovezhskiy Zubr
Horobre Serdce Yagoda-Malina Labrash (Russia,"Labrash")
Horobre Serdce Yarina-Krasa ot Labrash (USA, Anna Carson, "trident" kennel)
Horobre Serdce Yarilo Syn Zubra (USA, Del Vandiever, Dallas)

sire Radomir s Almaznogo Ostrova (Horobre Serdce kennel)

Horobre Serdce Eros (David Foster, USA,
Horobre Serdce Erast Fandorin (John Steppling, Krakow, Poland/USA)
Horobre Serdce Energiya (Jani Kettunan, Helsinki, Finland)
Horobre Serdce Evrika (for sale!)
Horobre Serdce Elita (for sale!)

Aida's descriptions

Polivanov (Russia) - "good height, long head, strong & firm weist, chest- deep, movements- free"
"Bite - norma, teeth - complect, good height, with rough coat of right structure. Head of right shape & dimentions, weist is lightly long but firm, chest- wide & deep enough, excelent angulations.Excelent movements."
(Italy)-"Typical for breed, impressive head, compact enough body, hind angles enough, good free movements"
(Russia) - "big, strong female. with beautifull long head. Dark eyes, good size ears. Neck is long enough. Firm upper line, chest - deep, massive, good angulations, movements are of enough amplitude"
(Hungary) - "teeth - norma. right format. strong bones, enough physical strength/maturity, head of good length & massiveness, good pigmentation, dark eyes, neck of right outgoing/stand, firm upperline, movements are of good amplitude, coat is rough enough"
(Poland) - "good head & neck, proportional body, good stance, good movements, "
(UA) - "in breed type, middle hight, right format, physically strong enough, right head & proportional to body, with muzzle of good volume, teeth - norma, right neck, firm upper, chest - norma, coat - norma"
S.N.Finkel (UA, the owner of the famous Kuzen Er)- "strong female, in the breed type. movements are good. angulations without criticism"
A.Shafir (UA) -"right height, very good type, good in breed type head, good placed ears, good neck, firm back, good croup, good placed tale, deep, wide chest, right movements of front & hind legs, angulations, excelent quality of coat, good temperament."
(unrecognizable expert)
-"teeth - norma, movements - norma, body - norma, upperline - firm, legs - norma, angulations - norma, neck of good stance/outgoing, proportional head."

Dunkan Maclout Show Shwarts

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